
Loch of Aithness

 2     23

Loch of Bellister

 1     5

Lochan at Beorgs of Uyea

 1     10

Lochs of Beosetter

 1     12

Loch of Brindister

 1     11

Point of Burkwell

 1     38

Burn of Cattikismires

 1     27

Loch of Clickimin

 1     14

Loch of Colvister

 1     7

East Dalsa Water

 2     39

Loch of Fladdabister

 2     28

Loch of Flatpunds

 1     10

Lochan near Loch of Flatpunds

 1     30

Flossy Loch (Northmavine)

 1     9

Flossy Loch (Orbister)

 2     30

Loch of Grunasound

 1     7

Loch of Grutwick

 1     19

Lochan east of Gunnister (Unst)

 1     11

Loch of Haggrister

 1     2

Lochs of Hogaland (North)

 1     4

Lochs of Hostigates (North)

 1     5

Lochs of Hostigates (South)

 2     16

Loch of Houlland (Eshaness)

 1     5

Loch of Houlland (Nesting)

 1     4

Lochan East of Houlls Water

 1     14

Johnnie Mann's Loch

 1     8

Burn of Lambawater

 1     9

Lochan near Upper Gillgordie Brogs

 1     12

Lochan north of Eela Water

 1     15

Pool near Neogar Shun

 3     237

Lochan at North Hamarsland

 2     50

Loch of North-house

 1     24

Punds Water (Mangaster)

 1     17

Punds Water (near Tingon)

 1     8

Robert Tait's Hill

 5     91

Lochan East of Roer Water (HU 347 860)

 1     3

Lochan East of Roer Water (HU 351 857)

 2     49

Burn of Roerwater

 1     47

Sand Water (Culswick)

 1     9

Sandy Lochs (North)

 1     8

Sandy Lochs (South)

 1     11

Shuns of Vestamoor

 1     14

Shurgie Scord Lochan

 1     11

Soolmisvird Water

 1     26

Stanevatstoe Loch

 1     8

Marsh south of Trebister Loch

 1     30

Loch of Trebister

 1     13

Loch of Trondavoe

 1     19

Loch of Voxterby

 2     26

Burn of Weisdale (North of old Hatchery)

 1     6

Burn of Weisdale (South Setter)

 1     4
Notice regarding identifications

Please note this is an amateur project. Best efforts are made to identify species. However this website should not be relied on as a reference. Assistance with identifications and taxonomy is very much welcomed — please contact us.